The Future of Music

  • Music Has a Right To Your Brain Chemicals (Video)

    Even _I_, one of the more dickheaded skeptics I know, sometimes likes to think metaphysically about music. Maybe that's because I'm someone that really, really likes music and has devoted a significant portion of their life to it, and there's something...

  • This Reuters Piece On Pussy Riot Is Straight Out of the Onion

    I'll say this much up front: Vladimir Putin is an asshole. Dude needs to ease up. To think he's so hot and bothered with Moscow-based femme punk outfit Pussy Riot "having staged a so-called Anti-Putin 'Punk Prayer'":

  • Get Goo-Goo Ga-Ga with Huggie Boyz, the Rappers Who Wear Diapers

    Rap is steeped in a long, _long_ musical and oral tradition of boasting, and as such it's no surprise that so much of what rappers rap about involves being tough and manly. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule, but as DMX's "freakout...

  • Is Dubstep Secretly a Beacon of the Avant-Garde?

    This is the question posed by our pals at PBS' Idea Channel in a new video, and if anyone out there remembers "old dubstep," it's kind of confounding. Because dubstep at its genesis was actually a way exciting avant-garde genre of music on its own...

  • Animal Collective's New Radio Station Is Killer

    Since the May release of their 7" ‘Honeycomb’/‘Gotham,’ Animal Collective have been back in circulation on our itunes. But there are only so many times you can play two songs, and that’s why we’re excited about last night’s launch of Animal Collective...

  • Music Is Louder and More Boring Than Ever, Says Math

    How hard did that headline blow your mind? Imagine: music really is crappier now; you're not just turning more snobby. It's louder, not just because you're playing it louder because technology is making it much easier and cheaper to give yourself...

  • Go Ask Scott Snibbe To Make You An App On Reddit

    I'm sure you're pirating most of your music nowadays; you probably have a torrent client opened up right now, swallowing tracks from the next pop-up that will allow you to get away with it. It's probably been a couple years since you last slid a CD...

  • Can Woody Guthrie's Machine Still Kill Fascists?

    Woody Guthrie would have been 100 this week; instead, our most influential and most populist folk singer died in his fifties while a wide-eyed teenager named Robert Zimmerman looked on. Thanks to the centennial, much is being made of Guthrie's fine...

  • Dan Deacon's New Video Shows How Message Infidelity Becomes Art

    "True Thrush"'s concept is easy enough to explain: "Dan Deacon": and Wham City compatriot/filmmaker/comedian "Ben O'Brien": filmed a 13 second scene, featuring the two of them. They then showed that scene...