The Future of Music

  • Here Is Your Trippy Music Video of the Summer

    Put away the bath salts and indulge in this cosmic, hypnotic, nearing-middle-age postcard from electronic duo Peaking Lights. Directed by LEGS, the video turns an ode to their young son into a trippy ‘70s fever dream, envisioning parenthood as a kind...

  • Washington Needs to Rethink How it Pushes These Copyright Laws

    Lamar Smith just can't do anything right. The Texas congressman and widely despised author of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) ruffled the Internet's feathers once again this week with the quiet unveiling of a new piece of legislation that's drawing...

  • "Decoder" is a Forgotten Star-Studded Indie Thriller About Sonic Terrorism

    You may not know _Decoder_, an oddly forgotten 1984 West German No-Wave film collectively made by four people (Trini Timpop, Muscha, and two friends). But you probably know some of its all-star cast (William Burroughs, Bill Rice, Genesis P-Orridge), or...

  • This Reddit Dog GIF Perfectly Matches a Misfits Track, Which Means We're All Going to Die

    Currently at the top of ye olde Reddit Is a GIF of a dog that artist lewzerkid says is representative of how he or she feels when browsing Reddit. Cute, right? But wait a second. The rhythm of that dog's gait is familiar somehow. How do I know it? OH...

  • When the Album Art Is the Album

    Remember when an album used to be a tangible object, its cover art an integral part of its aesthetic? Probably not. Today we only read and dream about it, and re-read the passage from "_Just Kids_":

  • The Man (and Machine) Behind Bieber's Vocals

    If you know who Kuk Harrell is, then you know that the concept of “raw talent” is a myth. Or at least extremely hard to come by. This vocal producer has all but crafted the voices of some of pop’s greatest acts, such as Justin Beiber, Beyonce, and...

  • You Let Me Change Lanes: Music Videos From the Nineties Had a Strange Thing For Cars

    I'm not sure what it says about gas prices / oil futures, the collective artistic unconscious, or what we all thought the Clinton years had us driving away from (or toward), but has anyone else noticed how many music videos from the '90s take place...

  • Hey David Brooks: 'Born in the USA' Is an Anti-War Song

    Despite what you have been told, David Brooks is not an actual human being. Every week the New York Times columnist punches into work before reviving the role of celebrated and commonsensical populist. It’s this farce that allows him to churn out...

  • Beatport Finally Puts a Price on DJ Mixes

    It’s no secret that almost everyone illegally downloads music. However, there are times when no one’s uploaded some "obscure '70s krautrock song":, and I just have to submit to iTunes...

  • MBTV: Bravely Traveling Deep Inside the Heart of Donkness

    You remember putting a donk on everything, right? It was "a meme": -- these English dudes in a studio talking about putting a donk on it, and a "donk" was just this sound like a drainpipe being hit with a bat...

  • To Celebrate World Music Day, Score a Free Minimoog Soft-Synth

    Before reading this post, you may not have known that World Music Day is today. And that would have been perfectly fine in years past, but missing out this time around would have been monstrously detrimental to your cool-factor, and potentially your...

  • Blast the Horn to This Reggae Made from Stars

    We’ve seen astronomers get trippy before, but never like this: a team at Georgia Tech’s Sonification Lab has converted data collected from a pair of stars by NASA’s Kepler into the six second melody looped above. Why? Well, because a band called Echo...