This story is over 5 years old.


Get Goo-Goo Ga-Ga with Huggie Boyz, the Rappers Who Wear Diapers

Rap is steeped in a long, _long_ musical and oral tradition of boasting, and as such it's no surprise that so much of what rappers rap about involves being tough and manly. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule, but as DMX's "freakout...

Rap is steeped in a long, long musical and oral tradition of boasting, and as such it’s no surprise that so much of what rappers rap about involves being tough and manly. Of course, there are plenty of exceptions to the rule, but as DMX’s freakout over Lil’ B’s _I’m Gay demonstrates, the whole masculinity thing still runs strong in hip-hop.

But when it comes to exceptions, there’s Lil’ B’s album title, and then there’s the Huggie Boyz. Thanks to a Twin Cities public access show, we now know about the trio, who go by the names Baby Rash (!), Yung Pull-Up, and XL Huggie. I’ll admit, when I first heard about Huggie Boyz, I assumed they were some sort of throwback to the old Huggy Bear. I was woefully wrong. These dudes rock Huggies, and their diaper-laced flows are apparently anti-abortion, because they’ve got love for their baby brothers. Yeah, I have no idea either. Props to Baby Rash for the Beep Beep baby bib though!

Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.
