
  • Sacrificing Virgins

    Back in the day, if you wanted God to bless your crops and make them grow high to the heavens, you prayed for rain. If that didn't work, you built a temple or maybe slaughtered a goat. And if that didn't work, well, then you just hacked up the nearest...

  • The Strange Tale of the $780,000 Vagina

    The loss of a girl's innocence is usually a process that involves a few hard lemonades, a five-minute fumble in the back of a three-door hatchback, and a mess of virginity splurged all over the back seat with not a penny spent. Last week, however, a 2...

  • V-Cards

    Karley is frequently asked by readers of her blog about when, how, and with whom they should lose their virginity. But she doesn't always give the best advice because she hasn't been a virgin for a looong time.

  • Grab It and Go Boom

    You think being a female rapper in 2002 is tough? What about being a prim sixteen-year-old semi-nymphet from Miami with one of the raunchiest hits the 80s ever had?
