
  • The Week In GIFs

    Sup, dawg? I'll tell you sup: The Week In GIFs. GIF OR DIE, DAWG!!!

  • I Went to See My Friend Lose His Virginity in Public

    Remember Clayton Pettet? The 19-year-old who, six months ago, said he was going to publicly lose his virginity in the name of art? His virginity was one of the most in-demand ever. He sifted through 10,000 applications to whittle the audience down to...

  • Sci-Fi Doesn't Have to Be Dominated by Horny Bro Wizards

    In a genre where supposedly Anything Goes, where the boundaries of narrative and potential reality are not only immaterial, but also intended to be shattered with pure acts of what-the-fuck, I’ve always been baffled by how 90 percent of science fiction...