This story is over 5 years old.


The Game quiere que sepas que tiene un pene bastante grande

Adivinen quién tiene dos manos, un celular, y un chorizo enorme.

Puede que hayas escuchado del rapero de Compton the Game. Su álbum más reciente se llama The Documentary 2.

Lo que puede que no sepas es que the Game tiene un pene.

#FineNiggaFriday & @Anureet_K_Dhaliwal got me feeling myself after the gym earlier today……. so let's just assume, I'm at your house waiting for you to get home from work, 1st….. #StopAndGetSomeWetWipesCauseImGoneBeAssNakedSoonAsYouOpenTheDoorSoThatVajayjayGoneDrip #ThenImPullinYoPantiesDressSkirtOrPantsTheFuckOff #AndSlidinUnderThatPussyLikeAMechanicSlideUnderCars #NImEatinItWhileYouSquatOnMyFace #WhyYouAsk #CauseImHungryAndYouBeenGoneAllDay #WhyTheFuckYouStillHoldinTheKeys #DropThemMothafuckas #ImLickinYou #YeaLickinThatPearlTongueLikePecansNPrailinesIceCreamCuzThatsMyFavorite #RealSlow #2ScoopsOfThatPussy #AfterYouBustYa1stNut #ImPickinYouUp #CarryingYouToTheKitchenCounterToSitYouDown #BeforeYoAssHitTheColdCounter #WarmDickAlreadyInsideYou #GrazingYourWallsLikeAPaintBrush #InAndOut #SlowlyWhileITongueKissYouWitBothYoAssCheeksInMyHands #ThenImRammingThatPussTilYouBustAgainNToniteImNotPullingOut #LetsGoHalf #DropsMic .. #MEATPRINTPAPI has spoken !

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Nov 6, 2015 at 4:49pm PST

Un pene que no puede parar… de presumir

Let's just assume, I thought today was Friday or #ThrowDatAZZbackThursday #WhoCaresWhatDayItis I say it's #FineNiggaFriday because I know you gone be double tappin this mothafucka til tomorrow anyway……#SoGoneTagYaGirlfriends #ScreenShotIt #LickIt #PullThemPantiesToTheSideAndGetReadyForThe #HalloweenEdition #CuzHalfYallScaredOfTheDickAnyway #WhereverYouAtInTheWorldDatPussyBoutToBeWetYouHearMe #iSaidDoYouFuckinHearMe #OkThen #TakeYourIndexAndMiddleFingerAndMakeAGun #ThenPutTheGunInsideYouAndPullTheTrigger #EaseItOutAndPutSomeOfThatStickyIckyOnThatPearlTongue #TiltYaHeadBackAtAn80DegreeAngleAndSpreadYourLegsFarAsTheyGo #ThenLickYaFingersRealSlowAndGrazeThatPearlForMe #BackAndForthRealGently #CloseYaEyes #AndImagineMeSlidingInThatThangRealSlow #AndAsSoonAsYouGetReadyToBustYour1stNut #iPullOutAndGoDownTownAndCatchItWithMyTongue #ThenISlideBackUpAn…… Oh shit the Patriots game on, gotta go ladies !!!! Oh' & my boxers #ThatsHowIDocumentary2 #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Oct 29, 2015 at 6:25pm PDT

Un pene que siempre está allí

I mean if I'm not your #ManCrushMonday then who da fuck is ??? Ok so this is my 1st time bringing the hashtags to Monday but you know what… I love you & you deserve to #GetWetOnYoWayHomeFromWork #ifYouOnYourWayToTheGymTurnAroundAndGoBackHome #YouBoutToWorkUpASweatPunchinThatMonkey #AndPutThemToysAway #WeGoinOldSchool #JustYouAndThemFingers #NowPutOnUsherConfessionsAlbumAndLetItPlayThrough #GetCompletelyNaked #PropThemPillowsSoYoureComfortable #IfYoHairFreshlyDid #LayYourScarfFlatOnThePillowAndLayGentlyOnIt #NowSpreadThemThighsForMe #LickYourIndexAndMiddleFingers #NowTouchThatPearlTongueAndGoCounterClockwise #Slowly #iSaidSlowly #DontMakeMeSlapYourHandAndMakeYouStartOver #KeepYourEyesClose #NowReverseTheMotionAndImagineMeLickingYourLegsStartingFromYourAnkle #ImBoutToCatchAUberDowntownToThatPussy #YouBoutToGetItAteLikeGroceries #ButOrganicGroceriesCauseImOnAStrictDiet #NowWhatImBoutToDoNextMightTickle #YouReady #YeaYouReady #NowBust #AndSayMyName #MEATPRINTPAPI #DropsMic

Todos los días de la semana

A month & a 1/2 on crutches drinkin Hennessey lol…. Time to get this shit together. #60DaysOfFitness

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Sep 9, 2015 at 6:38pm PDT

Un pene que está aumentando las ventas de la marca de calzoncillos Ethika alrededor del mundo

Well let's sell some boxers then #Ethika - #Repost @theshaderoominc #MEATPRINTPAPI

A photo posted by The Game (@losangelesconfidential) on Nov 6, 2015 at 8:49am PST

¡Felicidades, Game, por tu pene!