This story is over 5 years old.


Father John Misty's "Leaving LA" Video Is Extremely Serious, You Philistine

Se llama arte, ¿ok?
Lauren O'Neill
London, GB
Imagen vía YouTube

Father John Misty is a very serious Artist, and in keeping with that fact, he has made a very serious Music Video for his Pure Comedy track "Leaving LA." It matches the track in length (all 13 minutes and 14 seconds), and is made up of studio footage. In grayscale, though. Because it's Art, you fucking Philistine.

Directed by the Artist himself with Grant James, the simplicity here is in keeping with the song's lyrics, which form a musing (or a diatribe, depending on your point of view) about the state of music and consumption in 2017. It's basically Peak FJM (who knew we had further heights to scale!), and your opinion on this video essentially rests on your level of tolerance for that. Give it a whirl above.

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