Caroline Rose Would Like You to Think About How Dumb Money Is

Caroline Rose Would Like You to Think About How Dumb Money Is

Fuck Capitalism, you know? I’m not just saying that because Trump is scaling back the size of national parks to make room for mining or because of the Keystone Pipeline spilling hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil, something people definitely warned us about for quite a long time. I’m also not saying it because I currently have several thousands of dollars left in student loans or because flying home for the holidays is exactly what hell looks like if it were designed by major corporations. Nope not at all. However, Caroline Rose might say that. After all, that’s kind of what this video is about.

On February 23, Caroline Rose will release her second album, LONER, four years after her first, the well-received I Will Not Be Afraid. Anyone familiar with that record will notice that LONER sounds harder and maybe even more world weary than the first, and that’s because it is. Rose has grown a lot in those four years, using her time to craft a more secure sense of who she is for herself. She also picked up a bit of what many have been putting down for a while: Capitalism, especially for the current generation trying desperately to make ends meet, really sucks!

Videos by VICE

“I have a tendency to name songs after the exact subject of the song, so no surprise here, the song’s about all things money! What we do, and what we have to do for it,” Rose said of the song in an email to Noisey. “I have friends who are literally about to sell their underwear online just to pay the bills. It’s tough out there. And I haven’t even started talking about capitalism…”

The video, premiering above, is a David Lynch-inspired dark comedy about the way money corrupts and changes people. “I wanted it to be less obvious than what the song is about, to make it [into] a sort of manic, paranoid mini-story that creates more questions than it answers.” Rose says. “For instance, is all one person having a schizophrenic experience? Or are they all supposed to be different people in this nondescript motel? Where did this mysterious bag of money come from? Why are they freaking out about what looks like not a lot of money?”

Makes you think. LONER is out February 23 on New West Records. Pre-order a copy here, and check out some spots you can see her next year below.

Wed. Mar. 14 – Sat. Mar. 17 – Austin, TX @ SXSW
Tue. Mar. 27 – Nashville, TN @ The High Watt
Wed. Mar. 28 – Atlanta, GA @ The Earl
Thu. Mar. 29 – Asheville, NC @ The Mothlight
Fri. Mar. 30 – Chapel Hill, NC @ Local 506
Sat. Mar. 31 – Washington, DC @ Songbyrd
Tue. Apr. 3 – Brooklyn, NY @ Rough Trade
Wed. Apr. 4 – Boston, MA @ Great Scott
Thu. Apr. 5 – Philadelphia, PA @ Johnny Brendas
Fri. Apr. 6 – New Haven, CT @ Cafe Nine
Sat. Apr. 7 – South Burlington, VT @ Higher Ground Showcase Lounge
Fri. May 18 – Gulf Shores, AL @ Hangout Music Festival

Annalise Domenighini would freak out for, like, $20 and a smoothie. Follow her on Twitter.