
Get Mashed With Community’s Urgent and Raspy Punk

I’d place a fair wager that people in Yorkshire don’t actually call mushy peas ‘Yorkshire caviar‘. Rather, like regional cuisine such as Rocky Mountain oysters, it’s a term that inflight magazine editors and head chefs at bourgey gastro pubs use as an example of quirky local slang. 

Community,​ a band from Sheffield in South Yorkshire, have named their latest track after the popular northern British dish that often accompanies fish and chips. 

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There’s nothing too mushy about Community’s sound as they belt out a ragged and rousing punk rock.

Though the track – that they’ve put up on their Bandcamp page – is unmastered, it gives a good indication of the gruff and rough melodic punk to be found on their forthcoming 7′.

Since forming in late 2015 the four-piece have played shows and released an excellent five-track demo, that railed against social media and hating work. 

We look forward to the new release and just as mushy peas have helped define British cooking, Community’s quality punk is helping to characterise Sheffield’s growing scene.

​Image: Bandcamp

Listen to bands like Community on Tim Scott’s radio show Teenage Hate​​​.​​​