Flamingods Feat. Dustin Wong: "Quesso" Video

Flamingods Feat. Dustin Wong: “Quesso” Video

London by way of, erm, first randomly meeting in Bahrain or something, Flamingods, now have an equally batshit video for their SoundCloud popular track “Quesso”. With a little help on guitar from Ponytail’s Dustin Wong, “Quesso” is all frantic drums and big, fuzzy vocals. The boys say they’re “Afro-influenced”, but it just sounds like they get a boner over experimenting with all types of instruments, without the end product sounding like they’re throwing saucepans down the stairs.

Fittingly, the visuals are colourful and all over the place, like,”look, a pedalo! Egyptian shit! Aztec patterns! We’re playing bongos!” I’m into it. Watch for yourself below:

Videos by VICE

17 January: Brighton, Green Door Store

18 January: London, Shacklewell Arms

19 January: Cardiff, Gwdihw

20 January: Bristol, Louisiana

Debut LP Sun will be released digitally and with a limited run of 300 12″ green vinyl, as well as a SUPER limited run of 100 CDs accompanied with special packs of Herby Tahini and Green Chilli sauces (WTF?!) You can pre-order Sun here.