
Watch a Cautionary Tale About Alien-Probing for the Pack A.D’s “So What”

Photo courtesy of Rebecca Blissett

Being abducted by aliens is probably really shitty and for what it’s worth Vancouver’s two-piece garage rock band The Pack A.D. confirm this for new video “So What.” Directed by Matt Leaf, the quasi J.J. Abrams-inspired sci-fi flick is as polished as it is grimy. The video flips back and forth between the band performing and creepy happenings in a bright sterile operating room where singer and guitarist Becky Black is examined by strange inhuman blue fingers and injected with some sort of secret ooze.

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“Honestly, from the second The Pack A.D. offered me this video, I was over the moon,” director Matt Leaf explains. “I thought Maya was kidding when she said she wanted me to make a horror/sci-fi themed video. I’ve spent my career as a director wanting to make a name for myself in horror and sci-fi, but most of the labels and bands I work with are pop or mainstream and want that Disney style kinda video. So, the video we made for ‘So What’ is a homage to so many influential horror and sci-fi films, and is extremely personal to me. I got to season the video with little love notes from all my favorite sci-fi films.” Watch the video below.

Byron Yan wants to believe. Follow him on Twitter.