Eminem originally became famous partially because he rapped about raping and murdering popular women celebrities. It’s a part of his brand he’ll never escape from and probably always have to appeal to, if the fan criticism for Em going “soft” on the pop-happy Recovery is anything to go by. “Framed,” off his bungled latest album Revival, was an attempt at self-parody, the song narrating an incident where Em is wrongly accused of a crime because his gruesome lyrics just happened to match the details one-to-one.
The new video plays that narrative straight, with Em locked up in a house surrounded by corpses with their throats slit as the cops close in. He’s still kuh-razy, everyone! Get your hockey masks out! Though the clip is definitely trying to be self-aware about it, the whole serial killer aesthetic—blood and outlaw mythology and manhunts—is a bit played out, reminiscent of the transgressive late 90s at their worst. He also has Ivanka Trump and Christie Brinkley brutally killed in this song, too, in case you thought he wasn’t throwing any bloody bones to the lingering fans of Slim Shady’s now-dated antics. You can watch the “Framed” video above.
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