This story is over 5 years old.


Devontée Kicks Off 'Woe Watch 2015' With "Bare Tings"

As the saying goes, "riches cover a multitude of woes."

According to Toronto rapper and sports socialite, Devontée the word "WOE" is not only the name of his crew, but stands for "working on excellence." Clearly things are looking up for him and his close associates on the new track "Bare Tings" from his upcoming mixtape, District Vibe. Produced by Devontée, the track features a menacing drill baseline overlaid with chopped horns, while he yells about the wealth of bare tings his WOES have in tow. Althouth the song is remarkably simple in its execution, the hook is contagiously catchy and only adds to the charm of the gravel-voiced rapper. However, the real question here is how many songs and Drake videos and mixtapes/album will it take for WOE to become a part of the internet vocabulary. Find out on Noisey, which has officially annoucned its Woe Watch 2015 and will continue to be on hot pursuit of this story as it develops.
