Volume 11 Issue 5

  • The VICE Guide to Partying

    Party hosting isn't something one can just dive into headlong and willy-nilly.

  • Hey DJ, Fuck You!

    You know that thing called DJing? Playing records in bars or at stupid art openings for money? Guess what DJing is? The biggest fucking bullshit con of all time!

  • BBQ Party Today, Ok?

    What with the ridiculous amount of attention paid lately to Southern rap, it's about time Playa Fly gets some love.

  • But Hey, Dj, Wait A Sec!

    Face it, pal, your girl's not dancing. She might bounce around to the occasional Lil' Jon track or something, but she's not losing herself to the music in the moment.

  • Vice Fashion - The Party Issue

    Photos by Tim Barber

  • Chair Party

    This month it was decided that everyone had to be wasted. All editorial meetings were conducted drunk, in bars, and every writer was told he or she needs to have at least a bit of a buzz going while writing.

  • 2c-t-fy-dic.head

    Dear Human Toilet, Taking lots of drugs doesn't have to turn you into a drooling idiot.

  • 2c-t-fy-dic.head

    Dear Human Toilet, Taking lots of drugs doesn't have to turn you into a drooling idiot.

  • Captain Bring Down Says...

    In fact, parties* are terrible things. Horrific piles of nonsense full of lost souls wandering around looking desperately for someone drunk or lonely enough to throw their decorum to the wind and engage in something heart-crippling in a toilet or...