The Grievous Sins Issue

  • An 11-Year-Old Is Suing the Jehovah's Witnesses

    In 2006, Australia instituted mandatory background checks for those who work with children to ensure they’re not baby touchers or prone to cooking little kids in cauldrons. But apparently, God thinks this law is wrong, at least according to the country...

  • Combover's Truth

    This town’s just one big concentration camp! It’s sunny Auschwitz. But I am my own Nazi. I keep me here. Ambition. The sweet tastes of temptation are wasting me away. Spiritually emaciated. About to fall flat and just die.

  • No Man Left Behind

    Photos by Vincent Perini and styling by Annette Lamothe-Ramos.

  • Classism

    Fun fact: when you don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re probably talking about class. I’d say half of what seems to be racist and sexist and xenophobic is classist and allowed to be because nobody gets into it, and nobody wants to. Classism in...

  • The Dutch Love Ecstasy So Much Their Dirt Is Toxic

    With its liberal stance on drugs, the Netherlands has been one of the top producers of ecstasy for the past decade. What isn’t going to make you want someone to touch your genitals is that, like all manufacturing, the by-products of illicit narcotics...

  • The Vet Who Wants to Legalize Medical Marijuana for Dogs

    Now that it’s possible to legally buy and smoke marijuana in many parts of the US, it’s safe to say that weed and its by-products will be ingested freely throughout the country in the next decade. But have you ever shotgunned a blunt into your dog’s...

  • Sad on Purpose

    'Depression Quest' is a a text-based role-playing game that, according to its website, is “not meant to be a fun or lighthearted experience.” Its objective is to simulate the misery of clinical depression, which probably qualifies it as the most...

  • Let's Get Physical

    Photos by Andrew Kuykendal and styling by Annette Lamothe-Ramos.

  • Reviews

    I just finished listening to this for two straight days, and I love it, which brings to mind that age-old saying, “If you don’t have anything shitty to shit on, don’t shitty shit on any shit at all.”