The Barking Dog Issue

  • Literary

    The Zine Scene

  • Hole in the Wall

    I hate zany fonts. Those fonts that are CRAZY pictures of people puking or having sex while forming a letter are the worst, especially when people try to use them at 10 or 12 point; you can't even make out what they are.

  • Minecraft

    Technically I guess I shouldn't be reviewing it because it's still in alpha, but I paid $10 for it and I've sunk like 50 hours into it and it eats my time more consistently than any other game I've played in, oh, half a year.

  • Irma's World

    My grandmother’s name is Irma. She’s 100 years old. She grew up over a German butcher shop in Buffalo, New York, and spent her life traveling the West as a biochemist. I moved in with her in New Mexico last winter. She’s lots of fun.

  • Ready. Spets. Go!

    Spets was a short-lived but wildly popular TV show about the Russian Mafia’s brutal activities during the late 90s and early 00s. The series is based on the life of Vitali Dyomochka.

  • Vice Comics - Smell Of Steve

    Our father who ARF in heaven...

  • Caaaaam On Then, You Faggot Cunts!

    On December 10, 2010, photographer Henry Langston and I were beaten up by a riot squad. We were in the middle of a protest described by the BBC as "the most violent British public demonstration since 1987."

  • Riot Girls, Literally

    Here we are at the demonstration outside the University of London Union. At this point everything was nice and peaceful.

  • That’s Not Funny, Or Is It?

    In 1990, AIDS was still a misunderstood, scary scourge of gay communities everywhere, and contracting HIV was more or less a death sentence. It was also the year that Diseased Pariah News debuted. DPN was the first publication by and for...