
  • Teenage tyrefægtere

    Som fire-årig løb Michelito Lagravere rundt i huset med et håndklæde og "fægtede" med hunden. Som 11-årig dræbte han seks tyre på en dag.

  • What Does It Mean to Be a 'Teenager' Today?

    I spoke to Jon Savage and Matt Wolf about their new film Teenage, how the word and the concept of "teenagers" came about, and why we should finally start listening to adolescents.

  • Future Sex: Should You Sext?

    We all know that youngsters these days are using their iPhones for things a lot more scintillating than Angry Birds, but still, the numbers are kind of shocking. Recently, a new study was released detailing high school students’ sexting habits. The...
