
  • Mitt Romney Needs to Go on an Apology Tour

    Weeks later, the failed candidate should finally account for his wrongdoings, instead of continuing to blame his loss on “gifts” Obama supposedly gave minorities. Isn’t it time for Romney to do something truly drastic and redemptive? I think so. The...

  • Make It Rain on the South Sound

    For the past six months I’ve been playing in an amazing studio space in Gowanus, Brooklyn called the South Sound. In addition to offering up 13 practice rooms, the space housed two meticulously built recording studios. Unfortunately, Sandy wiped it off...

  • An Open Letter to My Parents, Who Still Don’t Believe I Survived Hurricane Sandy

    Dear Mom and Dad: Thank you for your continued concern about my wellbeing during and after Hurricane Sandy. To reiterate: I’m fine. You’ve got to stop calling to ask if I’m in the dark, in the cold, underwater, or dead. Please redirect your worry to...

  • Taji’s Mahal – Sandy Halloween Roll

    After sandy blew the city into a dark oblivion, the streets were somehow more crowded than ever. Cabin fever and the risk of accidentally drinking fecal water forced every vampire, ghoul, goblin, and freak out onto the darkened streets. With nothing to...

  • Lost in the Flood: New Jersey After Sandy

    In Atlantic City, the shock of Sandy's impact had not yet worn off. Police imposed a 6 PM curfew. Once-busy intersections were virtually barren, though some traffic lights did somehow work, unlike the ones in lower Manhattan. The Atlantic City...

  • ConEd Worker Whose Home Was Hit By Sandy: "We're In Deep Shit"

    The company has now said that power to the island should be restored by Saturday, though some parts of the city would have to wait until mid-November.