
  • Earthworms Are the New Croutons

    Scientists say we should start eating invasive species like gray squirrel, jellyfish, swamp rat, lionfish, and earthworms. It's all well and good saying that, but how do you make jellyfish look palatable? A group of New Yorkers show us how with their...

  • I Broke Vegetarianism to Eat Rat Stew

    I lived in the Kairak mountains of New Guinea for three months with a tribe of semi-nomadic people called the Bainings. We ate weird things like pumpkin tips, but consuming freshly caught rat in a coconut stew was an experience I will never forget as a...

  • "Rat" by Dances Will Take 1 Minute 41 Seconds of Your Time

    We're busy, you're busy, and luckily this is short and really great.


    This is the first time I have been able to admit to the catastrophe since it all happened, however many years ago. All I know is that whenever I step into an "arty" or "alternative" bookstore that damn rat seems to be watching me from every graffiti...

  • Gross Jar

    Spring has come, and our former rat deficiency has blossomed like a patch of verminous rhododendron into an overwhelming abundance.

  • Gross Jar

    If there were ever any concerns about God's feelings toward the Gross Jar and its mix-n-match approach to his wonderverse, they were allayed this morning when he delivered unto the office toilet a ringing endorsement in the form of a floating black rat.