Jonah Hill

  • Spike Jonze and Jonah Hill Are Playwrights Now

    It’s seemingly impossible for a person to try their hand at everything without completely sucking at at least something. This apparently doesn’t apply to Spike Jonze as the director, producer, screenwriter, actor, skater, impressive dancer, etc. etc...

  • My Friend, Jonah

    Jonah Hill is a lovable mensch who embodies so much and has so much more to give. Early on in his career, Jonah was hired to fill Seth Rogen's "Likable Jew with a Fresh Mouth" bucket. But after The Wolf of Wall Street, Jonah is quickly veering...

  • My Summer Interning for a Minor League Baseball Team in Tennessee

    I interned for a Minor League Baseball team because I wanted to work work for a Major League Baseball team. I thought I'd be crunching numbers like Jonah Hill, but instead I lived with an alleged child molester and worked with a drunk little person.