
  • [Trailer] New Film Offers Personal Reactions To Spike Jonze's "Her"

    Lance Bangs' "Love In The Modern Age" includes intimate interviews with Olivia Wilde, James Murphy, Marc Maron, and other cultural experts.

  • Who Is 'Her'?

    In the age of digital technology we define our collective nature as humans apropos to the computer, or at the very least technology in general. And while this existential metamorphosis is still ongoing, Spike Jonze's Her shows us where we might...

  • We Hosted Screenings for Spike Jonze's New Movie 'Her'

    This past week, we hosted screenings of his latest movie Her in New York and Los Angeles. The film is about a man, played by Joaquin Phoenix, who inadvertently finds love in a non-sentient being/operating system voiced by Scarlett Johansson.
