
  • A December Avalanche of Atrocious Ads, Branding, and Social Media

    Because marketing people are, as ever, desperately trying to justify their existence, they are loath to leave one annual budget dollar unspent. That mentality leads to a yearly December blizzard of hastily and stupidly conceived ideas, and this year’s...

  • What if Lawyers Wrote Ads?

    Lawyers are to creativity what the Gatling gun was to the Spaniards at San Juan Hill. But they weren’t always so powerful, which is why some of the best ad campaigns came out of the lawless Mad Men era of advertising. Here's a look at what some...

  • Christmas Ads for People Who Hate Christmas Ads

    Tis the season when big advertisers roll out “emotional” commercials to try and guilt you into buying your loved ones shit they don’t need. Many people call this “the most wonderful time of the year.” You and I do not.
