
  • The Sugar Babies Guide to Suburban Eating

    Tammy is a 29-year-old sugar baby who lives in Richmond, Virginia, and enjoys having her sugar daddies take her out to America's tried-and-true chain restaurants. Need a girl to go to Outback with? This girl is all about the bloomin' onions.

  • Social Media Managers Are Dipshits, Continued

    The men and women who make up the “digital creative class” are a disgrace to their forebears. The industry, as it stands right now, has the imagination of a sheet of drywall. They have managed to create an atmosphere where even the laziest, most...

  • Johnny Depp Plays Native American in Movie, World Shrugs

    Johnny Depp’s new movie, The Lone Ranger, came out this week. In this hilarious romantic comedy, Mr. Depp portrays a potentially schizophrenic Native American named Tonto, who speaks in a bizarre broken English and talks to a dead bird that sits...