Patrick O'Dell

  • Antiheroes And Girls

    Patrick is a photographer and director and the guy who does Epicly Later'd. We don't even know where he lives anymore. New York? Los Angeles? It's either one of those or somewhere in between.

  • The Epicly Later'd Page

    I remember Jerry Hsu coming to New York in 2001 and 2002, back before he knew anyone here. He was probably 17 but I thought he was 24.

  • Wanna Cyber?

    Along with hovercars, hoverboards, and robot slaves, video-chatting is one of the four harbingers of the Future, as foretold in basically every sci-fi book or movie ever made. So far it's the only one we've figured out, and, honestly, it's kind of a...

  • Swell O'dells

    I’ve known my little sister Kathy her whole life, and as far I can remember she never expressed any interest in playing music or being in a band. Then suddenly she’s all, “I’m in a noise band called Lambsbread and I’m dropping out of college to tour...

  • Matchmaker, Matchmaker

    We set up a blind date between Zata and Sidney, two 13-year-olds that live in New York City. Zata is a skater I know from skating at Tompkins Square Park and Sidney is originally from London. I chaperoned and paid the tab.

  • Sucking Her Love

    Angela Boatwright and I went to the same high school in Columbus, Ohio. Actually it was this half-day career center downtown where we learned photography, and we went there different years. So we never met. But when I did finally meet her, she would...

  • Vice Fashion - Rez Idol

    Brothers Michael and Dean Cross Guns and their friend Clinton Horn are three young Blackfeet men who took a little time to tell you what makes them tick.

  • Mazel Tov!

    Berel is a Hasidic Jew who I always see hanging around at parties and stuff. I asked him what it's like to be "of the people" and he invited me to go to a real-life Hasidic wedding with him. So we hopped in a car with a couple other Hasids and headed...