This story is over 5 years old.


Sakima's Vid for "Energy" is the Saddest Night You Ever Spent in London

Forlorn glances, snogging, fights, dark alleys...but where's the kebab?

Sakima's video for "Energy" is a James Blake-ian sadboy eulogy for a night spent wandering the streets of London feeling kinda shitty. If you've lived there long enough, you've probably done it yourself: eaten a kebab, forlornly watched some people making out, eaten another kebab. Well, maybe i'm talking about myself now.

The track sits somewhere between minimalist and mopey, with some grandiose undertones coming through from the beat and strings. It all makes sense when you figure out that Sakima wrote the track shortly after moving to the LDN from Newcastle last year. "'Energy' was born from a big change in my life," he says. "New places, people and ideas. It's about being able to move on from situations and people without turning your back on them, through the metaphor of a relationship."

Here's Sakima's take on the video: "The video was a collaboration between myself, Aaron King, Rianne white and Hannah hall. We had a blast filming with Orillo Production company doing an all night shoot until 8am around London. We didn't want the video to be too narrative heavy so that viewers could connect to the music in their own personal way, but tried to show a sense of the emotions and themes that I had originally written about when composing and producing the track."

Find Sakima on FB // Soundcloud. "Energy" is out now on Boom Ting Records.

Jemayel Khawaja is THUMP's Associate Editor in Los Angeles - @JemayelK