This story is over 5 years old.


Chet Haze's New Video Makes Me Want To Cry

We keep forgetting Tom Hanks' son is a rapper.

A quick catch-up for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention: Hollywood actor Tom Hanks had a son, Tom Hanks named that son Chester Hanks, Chester Hanks decided that he didn’t like the name Chester Hanks and starting calling himself Chet Haze, and then Chester Hanks became a rapper even though he’s Tom Hanks’ son and oh what’s the fucking point of anything I hate this stupid world.

Anyway, yesterday Chet Haze unveiled the video for his new song "Do It Better" on Twitter, to a breathless audience of about six people. There are no words to describe it, so let me describe it to you with screengrabs. And WORDS.

Watch the video over at Noisey.