This story is over 5 years old.


Fan Strikes Out Trying to Catch Foul Balls

A fan had an interesting night sitting along the third base line at Yankee Stadium.

Our man here had a pretty rough go of it at Yanks-Sox last night in New York. He had two golden opportunities at a foul ball and one absolute gimme, and biffed them all. The first chance, above, was a bit high and tight, but he could have made the play. Nerves, butterfingers, call it whatever you want, we're calling it strike one.

He really needed to handle this next one. It is the home run hitter fouling off a hanging curve ball; he was on it all the way, and just missed it. But close only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades, pal. Strike two.


The third chance is also the most unforgivable. After two missed opportunities, the ball boy was feeling bad for this dapper and grown-ass man and gently tossed the ball to him. It hit him in the face. A meatball down the middle of the plate and he missed it. Strike three.

A fun thing to do on your second viewing of these GIFs is to track the reaction of his lady friend as it goes from aw, just missed it to ahaha are you kidding me with this guy??

The Yankees lost to the Red Sox 10-4.