This story is over 5 years old.


Benjamin Booker Rocked 'Conan' with "Right on You" Last Night

"I love that song." - Conan O'Brien. Same.

Benjamin Booker knows how to rock a TV appearance, whether it's for Jools Holland or David Letterman or Conan O'Brien. He made his return to Conan last night to perform "Right on You," the most danceable song from his stellar sophomore album, Witness, which came out earlier this year. Booker took us to Mexico this spring to give us a tour of the country that inspired the album and to feed us tacos until we got sleepy.


Check out the performance below and give Witness a spin if you haven't already. We give it the official Noisey seal of approval. (Please don't ask why the seal of approval smells so much like guac.)