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A Brief History of Artists Rapping About Presidential Assassinations

We dive into the historical vault of hip-hop songs where rappers have gone so far as to call for the commander-in-chief's head.

This article originally appeared on Noisey US.

Right now, a lot of people are protesting against the 45th President of the United States of America – and that discontented group of citizens includes some of your favourite rappers. A Tribe Called Quest used a Grammy spot to slam the other Donald's travel ban and perceived discrimination against Muslims (while Busta Rhymes cast Trump as President Agent Orange). T.I.and Meek Mill have taken to the streets in outrage at Trump's election as President. And Eminem has vowed to his followers that he'll make Trump's brand "go under." This is just a small sampling of the criticism rappers have levied against the president within the first 100 days of his tenure.

But it's all relatively tame stuff compared to the historical vault of rap songs where hip-hop artists have gone as far as suggesting the Commander in Chief should be assassinated.

Yep, while hip-hop is often characterised by its detractors as a vacuous music concerned only with chasing the trilogy of money, cars and promiscuous members of the opposite sex, when rappers get political they like to do so in fiery and uncompromising terms. So strap yourselves in for a chronological primer on those musical moments when hip-hop aimed its steely sights on the Leader of the Free World.

(Disclaimer: Neither Noisey nor the author endorse the assassination of Presidents, people in politics, or even the sub-human scum who don't pick up their dog's crap from the sidewalk. Increase the peace!)

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