This story is over 5 years old.


Atmosphere Put Out a New Video, the #EmoRevival Is Still a Lie

Atmosphere is here forever and don't you ever fucking question that.

As I already said in the headline, the #EmoRevival is a lie and don't you ever fucking question that. Why do you need a new wave of acts with Very Important Feelings when the OG's are still at it? Taking Back Sunday's new single "Flicker, Fade" is better than anything your suddenly-relevant band has ever pooped out, and Atmosphere's new "Bob Seger" contains the exact sort of flames our sterile world has been missing. If you're lucky enough to be in the midwest this month, Atmosphere will be on a mini-tour they're calling the Welcome to Minnesota Tour for the next couple weeks or so. The dates are below. Go to them. It is your destiny.

2.12 - Mankato, MN @ Verizon Wireless Ballroom
2.13 - Duluth, MN @ Clyde Iron Works (sold out)
2.14 - Rochester, MN @ Mayo Civic Center Auditorium
2.15 - Fargo, MN @ The Venue at the Hub
2.17 - Minneapolis, MN @ First Avenue (sold out)
