This story is over 5 years old.


Watch the First Episode of J Cole's HBO Show 'Road to Homecoming - F#$K Money, Spread Love'

"We need the dirty 'hoes.'"

Because the universe rewards people in mysterious ways, J. Cole is getting his own show on HBO. You can watch the first episode below, which sees J. Cole racing against the clock to turn in his 2014 album, Forest Hills Drive. Jermaine also visits a school and gives us a glimpse into his performance process, making the whole thing a perfect visual accompaniment to your bed time. The best part of the video is when Cole goes on a freestyling tangent, stopping a random old dude on the street and rapping for him, before two extreme J.Cole fans run up to him asking for a preview of the new album, making the whole thing feel uncomfortably ernest. Such is the charm of J.Cole: He's the type to rap for an old couple on the street and potentially disrupt their night, but he'll also share some unreleased music in his house for his fans.


Slava Pastuk is sleepy. Follow him on Twitter.