This story is over 5 years old.


Flatbush Zombies: “The Hangover”

Flatbush Zombies offer up weed raps to inspire a generation.

So, this is Flatbush Zombies first track since their D.R.U.G.S mixtape earlier in the year (it stands for "death and reincarnation under God's supervision" but also DRUGS RIGHT!?!) "The Hangover" is full of slow-paced production courtesy of member Erick Arc Elliot, which isn’t quite as macabre as previous offerings, but that organ sound throughout is terrifying if you’re the kind of person who believes that The Exorcist is real.


Give it a listen before you start getting snarky about how rap "totally doesn’t have enough tracks about smoking it up, what is this lazy bullshit, why don't they fuck off and do a collab with Wiz "Weed" Khalifa already". Besides, won't teens always need aspirational kush anthems as their soundtrack, while they try to score king-size Rizlas and sit around for hours waiting to be hooked up with a below-weight eighth?