This story is over 5 years old.


Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire: "Lost In Transition"

Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire philosophizes about the reality of fame.

I always love it when rappers lament the life they had before everyone was kissing their ass. Before they had "haterz" and "label heads" trying to offer them money and endless bitches on tap. What a fucking nightmare, right? Why can’t they all just be left in peace to sell crack rocks and struggle to pay their rent? God, guys – JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE ALREADY!

That said, this offering from Mr. Muthafuckin', which tells us all about the transitional period he's found himself in and how he's got four record labels riding his dick, is actually pretty great. Although, TBH, he had me at the camel toe reference in the first 20 seconds <3< p="">