This story is over 5 years old.


Here's Some Genuine Footage of Azealia Banks Actually Ending a Fight for Once

During her show at Irving Plaza on Monday, Banks played the role of peacemaker when a fight broke out in the audience.
Emma Garland
London, GB

Azealia Banks is exactly the kind of musician/person pop culture is lacking in 2015. She's passionate, outspoken, and and her mouth is filthier than day 3 festival toilets. For someone whose main concern is rapping, she's usually in headlines for telling Lily Allen her husband "looks like a thumb" or referring to The Stone Roses as “old saggy white niggas” rather than for, y'know, making music.

When beef is happening, Banks is usually the one throwing the punches. But during her show at Irving Plaza in New York on Monday, she actually ended a fight for once. After spotting some audience members exchanging their fists during "Miss Amor" (presumably they misjudged the tone of the song?), Banks shut them down like a high school teacher trying to break up a playground scuffle, saying things like "Stop hitting" and "I’m gonna count to 10…”

It doesn't take long for them to work things out. Would you want to get on the wrong side of somebody who's already taken on the entire music industry? I don't reckon. Anyway, then she launches back into "Miss Amor" like a bossman. Watch the whole thing unfold below, starting at about 1:25.