This story is over 5 years old.


Red Stripe Bring A Corner Shop To Life!

Ever had your local shop sing to you?

Imagine you were popping out to the shop in your pyjamas, innocently picking up supplies, you reach for a bottle of Red Stripe and the whole shop turns into a giant musical instrument? Well, that’s exactly what happened to shoppers as they went to Best Supermarket on Dalston’s Kingsland High Street recently.

In an

hilarious video

for Red Stripe lager, confused and then amused customers are caught on camera, as the shop is transformed into a make-shift orchestra coming alive to the sound of “Rudy, A Message to You” by Jamaican musician, Dandy Livingstone, later made famous by The Specials.

Red Stripe transformed Best Supermarket overnight, with the help of 10 hidden cameras, 750 metres of cable and 12 metres of LED lights, into an all-singing, all-dancing musical masterpiece. Then, in typical DIY Red Stripe fashion, glass bottles became trumpets, food cans became xylophones and boxes, brooms and dustpans came to life as percussion.

The shop owner remarked; “I’ve had this place for years and have never seen people as happy as they were coming here that day… I wish we could keep the instruments here forever!”

So, y’know, maybe hold your breath next time you pop into your local corner shop?