This story is over 5 years old.


VICE Has an Electronic Music Channel Now

Welcome to THUMP, your one-stop resource for electronic everything.

Here at Noisey, we're sort of on the fence about electronic music. You know, that vague genre that most merketing hacks refer to as "EDM." We're not cynical: on the one hand, 2013 is one of the best years to be alive if you're into blippy bloopy electronic dance music. On the other, there's a massive landgrab going on, as EDM becomes more and more ingratiated on American soil.

Enter THUMP, VICE's new electronic music channel. We're massively excited about THUMP for three reasons. One, they won't be using the term "EDM." Two, we've run out of words to describe Skrillex. Three, now we've got some actual professionals who really, really know their shit about electronic everything.

THUMP will be covering the highs and lows of electronic music culture, from the fans to the artists and parties worldwide. Most importantly, they won't be catering to the mediocre middle of the road. THUMP will help you cut through the noise and get the actual signal: there's a huge thing happening under all of our noses, and we're beyond psyched to get involved.

Anyway, stop reading these words and click right here to head over to THUMP and see what they've got cooking.