This story is over 5 years old.


Meet The Guy With The Best Name in Sport: Kobe Buffalomeat

That's really his name.

The world of American college football is going crazy for an offensive tackle out of Lawrence, Kansas.

Not for his skills mind you (though he could certainly turn out to have the goods), but for his name. Yesterday, Illinois State announced they had signed Kobe Buffalomeat to an American football athletic scholarship.

The 6'6" 130kg player instantly set social media aflame, as you can imagine. Check out some of the more classic tweets below:

When your last name is 'Buffalomeat' your parents can really name you anything. Don't matter. But 'Kobe' was an EXCELLENT choice

— Stee Prince of Takes (@stee_jobs)February 1, 2017

I am told Illinois State football recruit Kobe Buffalomeat will appear on the Jimmy Kimmel Show tonight.

— Randy Reinhardt (@Pg_Reinhardt)February 1, 2017

Let's face it, with a name like 'Kobe Buffalomeat', there were two career paths: Football or Porn

— Holy Elle (@Holy_Elle)February 1, 2017

*Kobe Buffalomeat goes to school* Kobe: 'OK, I'm heading off to class now. Bye mom! Bye dad! Mr. and Mrs. Buffalomeat: 'Bison!'

— Michael Lananna (@mlananna)February 1, 2017