Hannah Storm Wants To Know What The NFL Stands For


This story is over 5 years old.


Hannah Storm Wants To Know What The NFL Stands For

Hannah Storm put the NFL on blast.

After an ugly week in which the NFL appeared to be unconcerned at best, and lying at worst, about its commitment to treating domestic violence as a serious issue, Hannah Storm closed out SportsCenter this morning with a biting op-ed directed at the NFL. She crystallized the trouble many have had reconciling their fandom with actual real life concerns that transcend that fandom, and looked to the NFL for answers. As a member of the estimated 45 percent of the fanbase it covets, she put it in terms the League can understand: You want my money? Tell me what you stand for.

Watch the whole thing, it's moving and, frankly, shocking that Hannah Storm was able to give the NFL the middle finger on ESPN right before kicking it to Boomer and the Gang for NFL Countdown.