This story is over 5 years old.


Some Dude Wikipedia'd His Way Into Peking Duk's Green Room

Is this the easiest way to gain backstage access in the web 2.0 era?
Peking Duk Feat. The Wiggles

It's a move many young music fans fantasise about pulling off, but rarely have the gall to go through with it. Last night at a secret showcase headlined by Peking Duk, one such music fan saw their chance at glory and went for it. Peking Duk fan David Spargo went one step further than your regular bouncer hustle, claiming to be a relative of the duo – backing up the call with the bastion of cold-hard facts known as Wikipedia. All it took was Spargo's incongruous quick-fire edit to Peking Duk's page, adding "Family David Spargo" to the opening paragraph. No citation needed.


Fooling security, Spargo made his way to the green room for a few celebratory beers with Peking Duk – who were impressed with the power play. Peking Duk today took to Facebook to tell the story, replete with Anchorman meme. Of course, Spargo himself enjoys top comment honours with "Thanks for the evening lads." Champion effort.

Lead photo via Peking Duk / Facebook