This story is over 5 years old.


Andrew From DIE! DIE! DIE! Made Us A Playlist

And then answered some questions about it.

A lot of times, getting a mixtape from someone means they want to have intercourse with you. That's not what this is about. Necessarily. NZ's DIE! DIE! DIE! have been melting our brains ever since Flying Nun signed them in 2003. They're coming out this week to play our Melbourne Rdio launch party so we took the opportunity to ask them what they've been listening to.

VICE: Hey Andrew, could you give our readers an idea of the perfect listening situation for this mix?
Andrew Wilson: Lost and walking.


You have Frank Ocean and Morrisey on here, two pretty smooth dudes. Who would win in a fight between them.
I don't think they would fight.

OK, how about between ODB and Shane MacGowan? (If ODB was alive)
I don't think they would fight either.

I guess there would be a fair bit of drinking going on though, which usually results in a fight at some point or another… so then ODB would def win.

Yeah, our money'd be on him too. You looking forward to playing at our party next week?
Fuck yes.

Last question, why did you call this mix "dingo"
Because i couldnt call it "Fucking Dingo"

See DIE! DIE! DIE! and a hotel full of other acts at our Rdio launch party in Melbourne this Thursday. We've also got a bunch of bands playing in Brisbane this Friday. RSVP here for your double pass.