The VICE UK Morning News Bulletin


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The Morning Bulletin

The VICE UK Morning News Bulletin

Concerns that Brexit will trash the environment, attacks on ISIS commanders, 10-year-olds fight sexism and much more.

Some lovely British countryside (Photo: Diliff, via)


District 12 Triggers Article 50
Jeremy Corbyn has condemned Theresa May's "Hunger Games approach to Brexit" after the discovery of a document warning that British nationals living on the continent could experience a backlash as a consequence of the UK's treatment of foreigners since the EU referendum. – Guardian

A Difficult Environment
A House of Lords report claims the government is showing "worrying complacency" over how it will enforce environmental regulations in a post-Brexit UK. European institutions have played a key role in ensuring environmental regulations were upheld. – Independent


Home Improvement
Councils in England have paid out more than £35 million in compensation and legal fees over the past five years to tenants living in "unfit" council homes. Nearly 11,000 disrepair claims have been brought against councils for issues including damp, leaks and damage. – BBC

Fascist Traditions
The Archbishop of Canterbury has said Donald Trump is part of the same "fascist tradition of politics" as European politicians such as Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. He says the success of Brexit and Donald Trump were due to globalisation and social marginalisation. – Telegraph


It's No Private Email Server
Donald Trump discussed national security news during a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago club, exposing sensitive information to other diners and wait staff who were gathered around as Trump learned of North Korea's ballistic missile test. – Washington Post

Chemical Evidence Mounts
Human Rights Watch claims the Syrian government used chemical weapons in opposition-controlled parts of Aleppo during a battle to retake the city last year. This adds to the mounting evidence of Syria's use of banned chemical weapons. – Reuters

Dam Yankees
188,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes in Northern California after concerns that an emergency spillway in Oroville Dam was on the verge of bursting. Officials are now cautiously optimistic about containing the threat of flooding. – CNN


Baghdad vs Baghdadi
The Iraqi air force has carried out a series of air strikes on a residence where ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was thought to be meeting with other commanders. Iraq published the names of 13 ISIS commanders killed in the strike, but has not yet confirmed if Baghdadi was among them. – ABC


A Valentine's Day Massacre
It's the 14th of February, which means it's Valentine's Day. If you're not up for flower deliveries and tacky cards, it's definitely worth spending the day reading about debunked myths and lies about romance in this "Love Is a Hoax" series. – Broadly

Amazing Photographs of Massive Star
A supernova was imaged by scientists just three hours after its detonation. Nature Physics has published the research, which is the earliest observation of a supernova ever captured. – Motherboard

I'm Feeling Lucky
If you're feeling despondent about the state of the world, this new infographic revealing the most-googled term in each US state following Donald Trump's election may fill you with hope. – Fast Company

Pope of Trash Speaks
Filmmaking god John Waters says he was "triggered" into making 1970's Multiple Maniacs because he was so sick of all the "peace and love" of the 1960s. In a new interview with i-D, Waters talks trigger warnings, political correctness and Donald Trump. –  i-D