This story is over 5 years old.


Billon Just Made Us A Notting Hill Carnival-Themed Mix.

The house duo let their hair down for London's million-man soundsystem blow-out

Ahead of their peak-time slot this weekend at London's Notting Hill Carnival, Brit duo Billon have whipped up a totally righteous and beautifully crafted Carnival-themed mix, exclusively for THUMP. Cool or what? I mean, throw a couple of nitrous balloons in there and a bit of jerk chicken and you've got your very own Carnie pre-party.

If you haven't as yet had the pleasure, Billon are Londoners Rob Butler and Eddie Lamond, who released their pretty excellent debut through Rinse in July of 2013. Featuring Nelsen Pinedo's salsa, Todd Terry's bangin' hip-house and the ragga-infused dance-pop of Carnival perennials Bassment Jaxx, their mix is basically a massive bag of brilliant fun as colourful as the Afro-Carribean festival itself, but the duo can usually be found sculpting smooth ultra-poised and expensive-sounding deep house. What about new single "Special" for a bit of deluxe post-bass house? Couldn't you just eat it?

This Sunday and Monday the boys will be helping Rinse FM celebrate their 20th anniversary at the Boxfresh presents Rinse Rough But Sweet soundsystem, alongside Skream, Chase &Status and bass-pop queen Katy B. Yes, indeedy.

Billon are playing Room 1 at the Rinse Ministry Of Sound party on Saturday Oct 4th.

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