Gymnastics Gone Wrong Results in Doggie Victim


This story is over 5 years old.


Gymnastics Gone Wrong Results in Doggie Victim

Gymnastics can be dangerous and Chewy the dog knows this all too well.

Gymnastics are dangerous. Someone could get seriously hurt, or fall victim to a flailing ligament gone rogue. In this case, that furry little someone is Chewy the dog. The gymnast—for the sake of sports, let's assume she was not actually just trying to make a wall twerking video—was not aware of her surroundings and with a flick of the foot sent poor Chewy flying across the room on a magic carpet ride to Holy Shitsville. This is what slow motion was made for, folks. This is why instant replays exist. Kicking doggies is never funny, but hearing Chewy's yelp followed by "Oh my God, Chewwwwyyyyyy" in slow motion will never not be funny. We are glad Chewy is okay and hope his human thinks twice before she hand-stands.