This story is over 5 years old.


Donald Trump Sticks Up for His Buddy Tom Brady Again

Donald Trump is standing by Tom Brady, even though the Patriots quarterback won't stand by him.

Standing in his very own Long Island diner while talking to TMZ's Harvey Levin, the President-elect of the United States reaffirmed his loyalty oath to serial football cheater Tom Brady. Levin asked Trump what he thought about Deflategate—which, in case you've forgotten, was when Tom Brady conspired with a man known as "The Deflator"to tarnish the integrity of the game for his own personal glory—and he responded, "You know, he played better when he had the other ball…I think Tom is totally innocent."

Trump went on to say that Brady is "such an honorable guy and, uh, I'm with him all the way." Which is … curious. I wonder how much longer Trump will be with TB12 if he continues to dodge questions about whether or not he voted for our Twitter egg-turned-President.

That same clip up shows Brady back in 2015, when he said of a possible Trump presidency, "I hope so, that would be great." That's right, New England—your golden boy thinks Steve Bannon in the White House, a racist attorney general, and fucking David Duke being happy about the path our country is currently on is "great." Except Brady won't tell anyone who he voted for, even though he promised he would. Doesn't seem trustworthy. Recall that Brady threw out his cellphone when the NFL was investigating Deflategate, not unlike a certain failed presidential candidate who lost a whole bunch of emails. Hmm.