This story is over 5 years old.


Five Things The Internet Can Teach You...

"They don't call it The Amazing Race for nothing"

This is the funniest thing I have EVER seen. I first watched it way over an hour ago and I'm still crying. Can we please make "they don't call it The Amazing Race for nothing" the new "shit happens"?

You can pay Snoop Dogg to do ANYTHING

Come on Snoop, nobody really cared when R Kelly changed his career from "musician" to "someone middle class white people laugh at on the internet", but that's because no one gave a shit about R Kelly in the first place. People LOVED you man! Do you really need the money? You're never going to be able to recover from something called "Hack is Wack".


In 2005, Kelly Osbourne made the funniest song of all times

If you could imagine the fuckin' look on my face/ when I finally realised I was a victim of date rape

I have no idea how this isn't already "a thing". Between this and the bed intruder guy, I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to take rape seriously again.

50 Cent is the worst person in the entire world

Jeez Twitter community, can you get off Kanye's dick for like, 2 minutes? There's no way his Tweets aren't that ridiculous on purpose. If you wanna see what "no PR intervention" really looks like, you should go on over to 50's Twitter. Home of this background:

And these tweets (I took screen grabs so I wouldn't have to go to the trouble of typing "sic" 400 times):

I could go on like this all day. Just go see for yourself.