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The Talking Issue

The Epicly Later'd Page

Vice: What did you think of the episode I did about you?


Patrick interviews three of his Epicly Later’d show subjects via iChat

Vice: What did you think of the episode I did about you? Heath Kirchart: I liked the first one. I don’t really remember the next two. They kind of got into stuff that I don’t think too many people cared about. What do people care about? Me looking like a weirdo, I guess. It made me look like a weirdo. Do you think you look as weird as some other people I did episodes on? I had people I travel with all the time calling me a weirdo. Usually those people don’t say that shit about you after a couple trips. I think Greco might seem weirder. Oh yeah. That was pretty weird in a whole different way. He truly is weird in that way too. I think my instincts tend to be weird, but I can fake normalcy. Is this for something or are you just curious? This is for my column in Vice. I thought Bob told you. I have a page so I was going to ask my chat friends who I did shows on what they thought. You should get Greco’s opinion on his show. Now that’s what I want to know. He told me he reminded himself of Dee Dee Ramone. Who do you remind yourself of? I don’t know, some drunk dude at parties. I regret showing you eating the steak. I always want to take that out. I’d have to watch it again, I haven’t seen it since the time it came out. The teaser that you put on YouTube was funny. They all kind of blend together. Yeah, the kid who asked if the slam hurt. I get asked that at demos. Kids mocking that kid.

Vice: Jerry. Jerry Hsu: Hello. I have my column thingy in Vice and it’s the interviews issue, and I’m very lazy, so can I ask you some stuff on here? OK. What did you think of the episode I did about you? It should have been longer. Maybe a six-to-eight-part series. Yeah, sorry about that. Has it impacted your life in a lot of ways? Ah… I think my mom has been getting more MySpace friend requests. She’s kinda hot. Sue Hsu. That seems to be the general consensus. Do you get a lot of requests for storm flips? Yes, that is probably the biggest effect your show has had on my life. Sadly… It’s like your 900. It’s my leap of faith, my Great Wall of China jump. Kids will just yell, “Storm flip!” from across a parking lot. Are there any episodes you like, besides your own? Obviously the Cardiel ones. I liked Jim’s too. Jim’s were special. And Jake Phelps’s. Also Alex’s and Steve’s. Dang, slow down. Honking my horn. They are flooding into my mind! So what is this interview for? Vice? Yeah, I do a page in there. Remember I wrote that story about getting vibed at Supreme? Oh yeah. A-Ron liked that. Ha ha, that was when you were Williamsburg/drinking Patrick. Yeah, I invented that. With a Honda and that shirt with all the vegetables on it. Being drunk Williamsburg guy, ha ha. Yeah, all-over print. I invented that too. You were very influential then. Yeah, so I need a photo for this… naked video chat? That was nice of you to introduce me to New York City, by the way. Yeah, now you’re like a jaded cokehead… all over Cobrasnake. That’s Steve Aoki. I get that a lot. Whoops.

Vice: Can I ask you some stuff on iChat for my Epicly Later’d page in Vice? I just interviewed Jerry and Heath… so the page will be you three. Neckface: Yeah, sure. What did you think of the episode I did about you? I haven’t seen it. It’s good, I swear. You, Jim, and Tim O’Connor probably get the most comments. Sick. And then people try to out you… like, your identity. Oh shit. You know I peed my phone right? What? You peed on it? I wet the bed and it was in my pocket. The Blackberry? Then I got a new one and I lost it after three days. Jeez, did you bring the pee-soaked one into the store like, “I don’t know what happened, it just stopped working” and hand it to the guy? I told him I wet the bed and I needed a waterproof one. He laughed. I heard Spanky found nachos you left under the couch months ago with mold on them. Yeah, but it’s not my fault. Why? Somebody must have kicked them way farther back under, out of sight. What’s your favorite candy right now? Um, chocolate Skittles. Whoa, are those new? Yep, I got the samples, ha. What’s your favorite food besides candy? Food like a snack or like real food? Real food. Steak for sure, medium well with some lemons. How was the Deathwish tour? Legendary. Only our crew can pull off the partying and demos and street skating in the amount of time that we had and the shit that we had to put up with. The whole team killed it. What was Jim like? You love asking this question. Yeah, I can’t help it. I study every photo I see of him. Jim was fun. I was entertained every moment; whether he was in a good mood or a bad one, it was entertaining to me.