This story is over 5 years old.


Wolf Alice: "Bros"

The new video from the grungey London four-piece who claim to be "one big Wheatus cliché".

When we first discovered Wolf Alice about a year ago, it was basically just their lead singer Ellie looking grumpy on her webcam. Since then they've been retooled as a kind of Hole meets My So Called Life four piece. They're one of a couple of new UK bands (Swim Deep and Palma Violets spring to mind) that actually seem like they'd be really fun to get drunk with and wouldn't spend all night telling you about some argument they're having over artwork with the label.


We've got the video premiere of "Bros" - a song about how best friends are actually really great and it's still okay to have them.

We asked them ten questions to get to know them better.

Noisey: What's going on in this video.

Ellie: It’s Wolf Alice having a boogie, which unfortunately, is the one thing none of us can do.

A lot of your songs are the sort of thing i can imagine slamming my bedroom door to as a teenager. Were you all quite angsty teens?

Theo: We were one big Wheatus cliché.

Joel: I was literally a fat depressed red head teen listening to Kerrang! Compilation CDs.

Joff: I was a champion. I played rugby and owned school. I didn’t listen to music and everything’s been downhill since then.

When i was reading interviews with you, it seemed like your two biggest influences are Black Lips and Avril Lavigne. That's something i can really relate to. What would you say has been the impact of each?

Ellie: Avril Lavigne is a massive influence to my music, style and lyrics.

Please can you make up a story about how you all met each other?

Joff: Ellie and I met at an ice skating competition where both of our partners dropped out, so we pulled together. We came a sold fifth! Then we exchanged the ice skates for guitars and grabbed Joel and Theo – we saw them trying to steal my the hubcaps off my car when we left the competition.

How would your parents describe your sound?

Ellie: Sounds like unemployment.


Why do you make music instead of getting a proper job?

Theo: Because we have no skills. Except Joff, who is a champion in every single thing he does. Apart from ice skating.

On a scale of Alt-J to Shane MacGowan, how debauched are Wolf Alice?

Theo: A solid Gareth Gates.

What would your death row meals be?

Joel: Cigarettes. I’d eat them all.

Ellie: A kebab from Crystal.

What's on your phone background?

Joel: Mine’s Tom Waits, man. I’m cool.

Joff: My phone can’t take pictures but there’s a one megapixel image of the Grand Canyon which is pretty great.

Ellie: My bros.

What's the best thing you've been in fancy dress?

Ellie: I’ve done the classic turning up to a fancy dress party that actually wasn’t a fancy dress party at all. I went as Shakespeare and got picked up early by my dad.

Please summarise your band in a haiku.

Ellie: I cannot do that. It is far too hard for me. Wolf Alice Wolf A.

Pre-order the single from iTunes or Rough Trade