This story is over 5 years old.


Win a Chance to See The Rapture with Noisey

You can hang out with them afterwards as well, if you like.

NYC trio The Rapture are in London on the 12th December for the latest in Noisey's Special Engagements series (put together with the help of Dell and Intel). You can stream the gig here, where you can interact with the band as they perform – impatiently demanding they do backflips while playing your favourite track for the eighteenth time in a row, if you so wish. It's interactive; it's music 2.0; it's the future.

However, if you fancy a change from naked air guitaring in the privacy of your own home, you can not only physically go to the show but also hang out with The Rapture afterwards, all thanks to Noisey and this incredibly (overly) generous competition. We've got free tickets to give away – simply email stating why The Rapture are your favourite band in order to enter. If you win, you could spend the evening with them. Good luck.