This story is over 5 years old.


Video: Lower Dens' Jana Hunter Looks Into the AI Soul and It's Us

I don't how to describe the look on Jana Hunter's face at the beginning of this, as she stares into the glass eye of some kind of artificial intelligence that is also us, staring back out at her through a lens looking much like the bottom of a glass...

I don’t how to describe the look on Jana Hunter’s face at the beginning of this, as she stares into the glass eye of some kind of artificial intelligence that is also us, staring back out at her through a lens looking much like the bottom of a glass bowl and, as the song grows, an intermediary morass of increasing visual distortions and noise. Bemusement, a bit awkward — it’s like Hunter’s on a first date with some new artificial intelligence and doesn’t know how to handle herself. The video, the first from her band Lower Dens upcoming album/consideration of post-humanism Nootropics (out at the end of April in the U.S.), is subtle (subtly subtle more like) and perfect. Tristan Patterson, the brain behind the movie Dragonslayer, directs.


(Quick disclosure: Lower Dens drummer Nate Nelson is my roommate.)


Reach this writer at, @everydayelk.