This story is over 5 years old.


Plague Vendor's Video for "Black Sap Scriptures" Is Nothing Like a Pro-Wrestling Match

Nick Cave vs The Junkyard Dog?

My mom hated wrestling, like really really hated it. I can't tell you how many times I had to be bummed an entire sunday evening while all of my other friends from elementary school were gathering together to watch the latest PPV. Then the entire Monday was all stories about how awesome it was, how much fun they had together… ugh. On those nights alone, I distinctly remember going to my basement a couple times to try and play with the TV, one of those weird ones with the tuner on the knob, to try and get a scrambled image to reveal SOMETHING. The audio always worked perfectly but the video was a garbled mess, yet that didn't stop me from trying for an hour or two.

Plague Vendor's new video for "Black Sap Scriptures" brings back memories of those scrambled broadcasts, soundtracking the jumble with catchy, goth-inflected post-punk. It's one hell of a track that is definitely repeatable, bringing to mind Nick Cave, Eddy Current Supression Ring and even more recent entries like Ex-Cult. Watch "Black Sap Scriptures" from Free to Eat above and preorder your copy now. It rips, even if it does remind me of how sad I am to be missing Ultimate Warrior versus Brutus 'The Barber" Beefcake.